About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Intercultural Promenades is an internationally refereed on-line journal which aims to promote and disseminate research spanning the spectrum of Modern Foreign Languages and Area Studies. Specifically, the journal welcomes articles within areas such as approaches to the Teaching and Learning of Modern Languages; Interpreting and Translation; Intercultural Communication; Cultural Integration and Identity; and Cultural Expression through Literature and Film.

Peer Review Process

All submissions for the Articles and Discussion sections should be sent by e-mail attachment in MS Word format to the Editors at IPromenades@uclan.ac.uk .

Submissions for the Reviews section should be sent by e-mail attachment in MS Word format to the Reviews Editor: Dr Petra Bagley (PMBagley@uclan.ac.uk).

For articles, the first page of the submission should provide the title, name(s) and full contact address(es) of the author(s), including contact email address(es). A clear word count should also be indicated on the first page. The rest of the article should contain no reference to the author(s). Please provide a list of 5-10 keywords that reflect the focus of your paper.

Images/figures/tables should not be embedded in the paper; however, their location should be clearly indicated in the main body of the paper e.g., [Insert Table 1 here]. They should be provided as separate high resolution graphics at 600 dpi in TIFF format.

It is the responsibility of the author(s) to secure written permission for the use of all images/figures/tables to be used in their paper. Written confirmation should be forwarded to the Co-Editors with your submission.

Authors should note that the editors reserve the right to improve the readability of an article if necessary.

Publication Frequency

International Promenades is published bi-annually in an open-access electronic format.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

International Advisory Board

  • Kirsty Heimerl-Moggan (School of Language, Literature and International Studies, University of Central Lancashire, UK), Co-Editor
  • Dr Robert Kasza (School of Language, Literature and International Studies, University of Central Lancashire, UK), Co-Editor
  • Dr Petra Bagley (School of Language, Literature and International Studies, University of Central Lancashire, UK)
  • Dr Graham Bartram (Lancaster University, UK)
  • Professor Elizabeth Boa (University of Nottingham, UK)
  • Dr Jenny Clegg (School of Language, Literature and International Studies, University of Central Lancashire, UK)
  • Professor Dr Ursula Gross-Dinter (University of Applied Languages, SDI Munich, Germany)
  • Dr Jim House (University of Leeds, UK)
  • Dr Mark Orme (School of Language, Literature and International Studies, University of Central Lancashire, UK)
  • Mary Phelan (Dublin City University, Ireland)
  • Professor Alison Phipps (University of Glasgow, UK)
  • Professor Maria Piotrowska (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
  • Professor Elżbieta Tabakowska (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
  • Katarzyna Weiss (School of Language, Literature and International Studies, University of Central Lancashire, UK)
  • Professor Georg Wiessala (School of Education and Social Science, University of Central Lancashire, UK)
  • Professor Chris Williams (School of Education and Social Science, University of Central Lancashire, UK)

Journal History

1. Live on 02 September 2012

2. Colour changes on 04 September 2012 and 09 September 2012