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The Journal of Nursing Theory and Practice (JNTP) welcomes articles on various nursing, healthcare and midwifery topics generated from student studies from the School of Nursing and Midwifery (SoNM) at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) and externally.


UClan students will be sent an invitation from a module leader indicating their assignment is worthy of consideration for publication to JNTP. JNTP content aims to have a variety of nursing, healthcare and midwifery content, such as an opinion piece, an original research study (or re-written and shortened), a book review, a clinical review, a case study, a literature review, or a reflective assignment.


All draft articles submitted to the editor may be co-authored with a relevant academic tutor, and, if appropriate, a practice partner, unless the draft is considered to require little support and development to reach a standard for consideration. Each draft article will be subject to anonymised reviews in draft format for final consideration by the editor.  Following acceptance for publication, UCLan will hold exclusive intellectual property rights to the articles.


Articles should be in the region of 2000-5000 words not including reference list, although this can be reduced and exceeded when agreed in advance with the editor depending on the article style. If you have any queries relating to potential articles, please contact PJRegan@uclan.ac.uk

  • Articles should be submitted as Microsoft Word files
  • Articles should be written in Times New Roman (Body) 12, title in Times New Roman 16, and single-spaced. All tables and figures can be submitted within the main content and numbered.
  • For the purposes of confidentiality, author(s) identities should only appear on a (separate) title page when submitted to the journal.
  • Please identify the contribution of each author. For e.g., John Jones: lead author; Sue Smith: critical reviewer and author Barry Brown made significant contribution to the writing of the paper;
  • You will receive proofs of the draft article for correction before reviewer consideration and editorial decision.