About the Journal
Focus and Scope
We accept papers up to 5000 words or abstracts of up to 1000 words which may be work in progress, or reviews. We also welcome book reviews that address the themes below. For a book review the word length would be expected to be up to 1000 words.Papers should address one of the following themes:
- Assessment
- Innovative teaching practices
- Student Feedback
- Student Experience
- Research informed teaching
- Curriculum development
- Pedagogical research
Peer Review Process
Details on the preparation, submission and review process are available from the editors. The dates for submission will be published across the University in AULookout.For further information or interest then contact Helen Hewertson HHewertson@uclan.ac.uk, or, Gavin Sim GRSim@uclan.ac.uk.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Journal History
This journal has been established to bring together a diverse array of articles from academic staff within the University of Central Lancashire. The aims of the journal are to highlight the range and quality of research undertaken within the university and provide a support mechanism for new researchers to engage in pedagogical research. The journal will reflect the differing perspectives and nature of pedagogical research across a multitude of disciplines. Defining pedagogical research is not an easy task, therefore the journal will focus on issues relating to assessment, feedback, innovative teaching practices, student experience and research informed teaching. The journal has a mixture of full papers and abstracts and it is anticipated that these abstracts will be extended into full papers in later editions. Added to this we will include guest papers which reflect the wider concerns of pedagogic research.