An Integrated Coaching Model for the Student and Graduate Entrepreneurial Learning Environment


  • Judith Anne Newman University of Central Lancashire, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 2HE UK



This empirical research project was undertaken following a period of study on a Post Graduate Certificate in Education ‘Coaching for Organisational Performance’ at the University of Central Lancashire.  The purpose was to establish the most appropriate and effective combination of coaching and mentoring for use with student and graduate nascent entrepreneurs at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan). Firstly, a literature review was undertaken to identify whether there is a common understanding of key differences between coaching and mentoring and how they are used by entrepreneurial support organisations.  Secondly, written records including scripts, reflections and mind maps from a sample of individual coaching/mentoring sessions with students and graduates were reviewed.  Thirdly, the development of diagrams and visual models aided a combination of intensive problem solving and reflection on research findings, previous mentoring and coaching experience with student nascent entrepreneurs.  The main outcomes included generation of a number of innovative ideas for extra-curricular enterprise programme development and an Integrated Coaching Model for the UCLan student and graduate entrepreneurial learning environment.  A proposal for integration of the model into entrepreneurial teaching and learning activities and a shift of emphasis from a content-driven to a more process-driven programme was prepared.





